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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Puntuation Notes -English Part I- Book I by Masood Sadiq

Punctuation Marks:

Note. 1

Blue Mark for Capital letters.

Black Pointer for Punctuation Marks.

Blue Pointer or Ballpoint for normal writing.

Note. 2

Reported Speech: "I'm not selling anything."

Reporting Speech: Mr. Steward said.

Writer's line:       It was getting dark.

Note. 3

First Person; I, my, me, we, our, us

Second Person: You, your, you

Third Person: he, she, it, they, Name

Combination of Present and Past Tense in Punctuation

Punctuation Marks:

  1. Capital Letter: Norma Mr. Steward The package P.M Lenox Hill Hospital

He removed his hat and Norma opened the door.

  1. Full Stop [.] It was just getting dark.

  2. Comma[,]
    Norma picked it up, unlocked the door, and went into the apartment.

She sat in the living room, looking out the window.

I think you’d better leave," Arthur said, standing.

a nicer apartment, nicer furniture, nicer clothes, a car.

Norma, no.His face was white.

  1. Double Inverted comma[“  ”]

“It won’t take long to explain,” replied Mr. Steward. “May I come in?

  1. Single Inverted comma[‘]

Mr. Steward shook his head. “I’m not.”

  1. Hyphen[-]

_  a cube-shaped carton, a push-button,  paper scotch-taped

  1. Dash[__] __ a cube-shaped carton

Oh, the __ Arthur pointed toward the living room and smiled.

  1. Sign of Interrogation[?] Mr. Steward asked, “May I come in?”

  2. Apostrophe[‘s] Mr. Steward’s tone had been offensive.

  3. Colon[:] She pulled it off: “Mr. Steward will call on you at 8:00 P.M”

  4. Semi-colon[;] It wasn’t her voice shrieking so; it couldn’t be.

  5. Single of Exclamation[!] 

“What average people would do under such circumstances!”

"See that, Jess!" he shouted.

“You said I wouldn’t know the one that died!”

"What a nice suit!"      

Click here for online lecture: Punctuation Lesson No 1

Punctuation lesson No 2

Federal Board English Paper Part I (Model Paper)

  Test No 1             Basic English Grammar Marks: 100                                                                    Time 1: 30 Hou...