Saturday, October 23, 2021

Weekly Test No 1 (Pair of Words 1-25 , Poem 3 & Verb Correction) Part I Book III - BISE Gujranwala


Name:                                       Roll#:                Section

Q#1 Choose the correct option.                         (05)

     1.   Is hung with bloom along the bough.

        a.     branches 

      b.   stem

     c.    flower

     d.   pollen

     2.   And take from seventy spring a score.

         a.    30

     b.   40

     c.    20

     d.   70 

     3.   He never _________ a lie.

         a.    tell

     b.   telling

     c.    tells

     d.   to tell

     4.   She has ________ T.V since morning.

         a.    watching

b.   been watching

     c.    watch

     d.   watches

     5.   I am _________ my lesson now.

         a.    learnt

      b.   learn

     c.    learns

     d.   learning

Q.2 Answer any 3 questions of the following:      (06)

i) What is the age of the poet at present?

ii) Which Season and fruit are mentioned in the poem?

iii) Why does the poet call cherry the loveliest of trees?

iv) What does the poet desire most?

Q.3 Explain the stanza context.                 (05)

Now my three years score and ten
Twenty will not come again
And take from seventy spring a score
It only leaves me fifty more.

Q.4 Make sentences of the following 2 pairs.        (04)

accept, except;     angel, angle

alter, altar;           object, abject

artiste, artist;        able, capable

access, excess; 

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