Saturday, October 30, 2021

Weekly Test No 2 -Heat Lightning- Play 1 P.O.W 21- 40- Book III -English BISE Gujranwala Board

Weekly Test No      Total Marks 20  Toral Time 40 Minutes 

Q. Mark the Correct Option. (06)

1. But you must. It's your duty. This is a dreadful thing.

A)  recognize

B) terrifying

C) general

D) regretting

2. The door rattles viciously

A)  violently 

B)  peacefully

C) consciously

D) opening

3. The door rattles viciously. 

A)  closed 

B) frozen 

C) going

D) clatter

4. She always ________ her lesson carefully.

A)  learn  

B) learning  

C) learns 

D) to learn 

5. We ________ since our lesson for two hours. 

A)  studies   

B)  are studying   

C)  has been studying  

D)  have been studying  

6. He ________ a movie at present.  

A)  watching    

B)  are watching    

C)  has been watching   

D)  is watching 

Q.2 Answer any 4 questions of the following.   (08)

i) Why couldn't the girl describe the killer?

ii) What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her car?

iii) Why did she ask for help from the First Man?

iv) What is her impression of the Second Man?

v) What are the factors that played their roles in saving the girl? 

Q.3 Make sentences of the following. (02)

    artiste, artiste; angel, angle

---Good Luck---

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Weekly Test No. 1 Academy

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Answers of MCQs -Test No 1 Heat Lightning - Play No 1 Book III - Intermediate Classes- BISE Gujranwala

 Answers: Multiple Choice Questions

  1.  What is the scene of the play "Heat Lightning"?
    a) a sea coast         b) a railway station
    c) a barber's shop  d) an interior of a bus station
  2. Which door leads to the road?
    a) up centre      b) up left 
    c) up right         d) up side
  3. What is the colour of the overhanging light?
    a) red                b) green
    c) blue               d) orange
  4. What is the age of the girl?
    a) 20 years       b) 21 years
    c) 23 years       d) 24 years
  5. What was the condition of the hair of the girl?
    a) well combed b) unkempt
    c) sleek              d) bright
  6. It was a drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway.
    a) bright    b) neat    c) dull     d) cheer
  7. It was a drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway.
    a) outside  b) inside   c) left side   d) superior
  8. It was a drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway.
    a) thronged  b) crowded  c) unpopulated  d) tiny
  9. The light feebly struggles back to its full strength.
    a) brightly  b) slowly    c) completely   d) weakly
  10. When the curtain rises the stage is bare.
    a) empty  b) fair  c) mere   d) delightful
  11. The First Man picked up a discarded newspaper.
    a) latest   b) previous   c) outdated   d) rejected
  12. The Girl slams the door.
    a) rattles   b) shuts forcefully  c) opens    d) singing
  13. The Girl's clothes were wet and muddy.
    a) dirty    b) neat   c) loose     d) tight

    Answer the following questions?
  14. Why was the Girl so upset?
    Answer: When she saw a killer by a car who was dragging a dead body.  She was walking on the road because the gas of her car had finished. She screamed and dropped her torch there also. 
  15. What did the First Man try to do with the Girl?
    Answer: The First Man tried to behave kindly with her. She thought him to be his helper. She did not know about him also.  
  16. Who did come first to the bus station?
    Answer: The killer left the girl in the woods and came first to the bus station. 
  17. Why did the Girl leave her car?
    Answer: She was from the party and the gas of his car finished. So left her car on the road and started walking to the bus station nearby.
  18. What did the Girl see in the lightning?
    Answer: The Girl saw a man who was dragging a dead girl from his car when there burst lightning.
  19.  What did the Girl drop on the road?
    Answer: When she saw the dead body of a girl, she dropped her torch on the road and started running towards the woods to save her life.
  20. What did the Girl do to lose the killer?
    Answer: She circled and circled around the trees in the woods to lose herself. A killer was chasing her.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

MCQ No 1 of Heat Lightning- Play 1 Book III- BISE Gujranwala

 Multiple Choice Questions

  1.  What is the scene of the play "Heat Lightning"?
    a) a sea coast   b) a railway station
    c) a barber's shop  d) an interior of a bus station
  2. Which door leads to the road?
    a) up centre      b) up left 
    c) up right         d) up side
  3. What is the colour of the overhanging light?
    a) red                b) green
    c) blue               d) orange
  4. What is the age of the girl?
    a) 20 years       b) 21 years
    c) 23 years       d) 24 years
  5. What was the condition of the hair of the girl ?
    a) well combed b) unkempt
    c) sleek             d) bright
  6. It was a drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway.
    a) bright    b) neat    c) dull     d) cheer
  7. It was a drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway.
    a) outside  b) inside   c) left side   d) superior
  8. It was a drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway.
    a) thronged  b) crowded  c) unpopulated  d) tiny
  9. The light feebly struggles back to its full strength.
    a) brightly  b) slowly    c) completely   d) weakly
  10. When the curtain rises the stage is bare.
    a) empty  b) fair  c) mere   d) delightful
  11. The First Man picked up a discarded newspaper.
    a) latest   b) previous   c) outdated   d) rejected
  12. The Girl slams the door.
    a) rattles   b) shuts forcefully  c) opens    d) singing
  13. The Girl's clothes were wet and muddy.
    a) dirty    b) neat   c) loose     d) tight

    Answer the following questions?
  14. Why was the Girl so upset?
  15. What did the First Man try to do with the Girl?
  16. Who did come first to the bus station?
  17. Why did the Girl leave her car?
  18. What did the Girl see in the lightning?
  19.  What did the Girl drop on the road?
  20. What did the Girl do to lose the killer?

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Answers- Punctuated Lines - Button, Button- Lesson No 1 Book I- BISE Gujranwala


Punctuated lines

1. Norma closed her eyes.  "Fifty thousand dollars," she thought.

2. "Why am I doing this?" she thought.

3. "Good afternoon," said Mr. Steward's voice.

4. "Yes, Mrs. Lewis," Mr. Steward sounded pleased.

5, "What does that mean?" Arthur asked.

6. "How would you define it?Norma asked.

7. "It won't take long to explain," replied Mr. Steward

8. "Suppose it's a genuine offer?Norma said.

9. "It could prove very valuable," he told her.

10. "If you you're selling something?" Arthur said.

11. "What are you talking about?" Arthur asked him. 

12. "Not at all. The offer is completly genuine," Steward said.

13. "I think you'd better leave," Arthur said, standing.

14 "And take you button unit with you."

15. "Are you sure you wouldn't care to think about it for a day or so?" Steward said.

16.  "I'll leave my car," said Mr. steward.

17. "I do'nt care to know," he answered.

18. "If you push the button," Mr. Steward told him, "somewhere in the world someone you don't know will die."

19. "You think it's a practical joke?" she asked as they went into the room.

20. "What's the occasion?" he asked with a smile.

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Punctuation lines "Button, Button"

Model Test No 1 Button, Button

Online lecture on Punctuation "Button, Button"

Model Paper No 1 - Button, Button - Lesson 1- Book I - BISE Gujranwala

Q.1 Mark the correct option:                            [10]            

1. "Suppose it is a genuine offer?" she said 

     A)   fake 
B)  intimate 
C)  real 
D)  second 

    2. Maybe some eccentric millionaire is playing games with people. 

A)  pleasing          

B)  alarming      

C)  super      

D)  abnormal 

3. Arthur stared at her. 

A)  slept        

B)  gazed               

C)  pushed          

D)  locked 

4 4. She made a scoffing sound

                     A)  writing                      

B)  reading            

C)  mocking                  

D)  repelling 


5. Mr Steward removed his ______ when he entered. 

                A) gloves            B)  hat           

C)  jacket            D) overcoat 

6. Who in Norma’s opinion, was the researcher?

         A) psychiatrist 
         B) eccentric millionaire 
         C) doctor     
         D) lawyer

7. What was printed on the card with Steward’s name and his?

          A) organization         
          B) address  
          C) telephone no   
          D) street no

8. Does you father  ________ to help you?. 

          A) tries 
          B) try 
          C) trying 
          D) are trying  

9.  Mr Arthur was not willing to push the button because

          A) it was un-natural 
          B) it was dangerous 
          C) it was nonsense 
          D) it was a murder  

10.  She  alwasy ________ her work regularly. 

          A) do 
          B) does 
          C) doing 
          D) to do    

Q.2 Punctuate the following line.                               [05]

    how would you define it asked norma


Q.3 Answer any 5 questions of the following:          [10]

    i. Why did Norma try to persuade her husband to push the button? 

i.  ii.  What was there in the wooden box?

    iii.   What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?

    iv.  How did Norma persuade her husband to agree with her?

    v. What did Mr Steward ask Narma after the death of her husband?

    vi. Why did Arthur not agree with Norma?

Q.4 Translate into Urdu:                                               [15]

     The package was lying by the front door; Norma saw it as she left the elevator. Well, of all the nerve, she thought. she thought. She glared at the carton as she unlocked the door, "I just won't take it in," she thought. She went inside and started dinner. 


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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Weekly Test No 1 (Pair of Words 1-25 , Poem 3 & Verb Correction) Part I Book III - BISE Gujranwala


Name:                                       Roll#:                Section

Q#1 Choose the correct option.                         (05)

     1.   Is hung with bloom along the bough.

        a.     branches 

      b.   stem

     c.    flower

     d.   pollen

     2.   And take from seventy spring a score.

         a.    30

     b.   40

     c.    20

     d.   70 

     3.   He never _________ a lie.

         a.    tell

     b.   telling

     c.    tells

     d.   to tell

     4.   She has ________ T.V since morning.

         a.    watching

b.   been watching

     c.    watch

     d.   watches

     5.   I am _________ my lesson now.

         a.    learnt

      b.   learn

     c.    learns

     d.   learning

Q.2 Answer any 3 questions of the following:      (06)

i) What is the age of the poet at present?

ii) Which Season and fruit are mentioned in the poem?

iii) Why does the poet call cherry the loveliest of trees?

iv) What does the poet desire most?

Q.3 Explain the stanza context.                 (05)

Now my three years score and ten
Twenty will not come again
And take from seventy spring a score
It only leaves me fifty more.

Q.4 Make sentences of the following 2 pairs.        (04)

accept, except;     angel, angle

alter, altar;           object, abject

artiste, artist;        able, capable

access, excess; 

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Weekly Test No 2 Heat Lightning

Punctuation Button, Button

Monthly Test 1 (November) 

Model Test 1

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Test No 16 -Thank You Ma'm-Ch 3 & The Piece of String-Ch 5 for Intermediate Classe Part 1

Total Marks: 20                                                             
Time Allowed:  40 MINUTES 
 Name:                                  Roll #:      Sec: 

Q#1 Choose the right synonyms of the following underlined words. (5)

1. Its lid gave a bulging pop.

    A)   adjacent          B)   cheering                  C) protuberant     D)   mild

2.  It lay streaming in the valley.

A)   trembling                B)   spilling           

C) shining                       D)   burning

3.   The good soul, Mr Hubert, choked with indignation and fear.

A)   shock                      B)   crying             

C)  reverence               D)    annoyance

4.   But Mr Hubert met with incredulity.

A)   mistrust                     B)   respect          

C)   locality                       D)   risky

5.   What did Harry smell in the air?

A)   mist in the air          B)   cool breeze            

C)  Martian virus            D)   smog in the air

Q#2 Answer all of the following questions: (Book-I & III)            (06)

     i.        What was the advice Harry Bettering gave the people?

   ii.        What circumstance did the Bittering family face on Mars?

  iii.        What made Hubert shameful?

Q#3 Punctuate the following:                                                            (05)

look he said to them you did hear the news the other day didn t you 

Q#4 Translate into Urdu.                                                                            (10)

Summer burned the canals dry. Summer moved like a flame upon the meadows. In the empty Earth settlement, the painted houses flaked and peeled. Rubber tires upon which children had swung in back yards hung suspended like stopped clock pendulums in the blazing air.


Test No 1 "Button, Button"

Federal Board English Paper Part I (Model Paper)

  Test No 1             Basic English Grammar Marks: 100                                                                    Time 1: 30 Hou...